Accepted Papers and Posters
List of accepted PAPERS:
- "A Survey on Requirements Notations in Software Engineering Research" Authors: Larissa Mangolim Amaral, Fabio Levy Siqueira and Anarosa Alves Franco Brandao
- "Studying Industry Practices of Accessibility Requirements in Agile Development" Authors: Darliane Miranda and Joao Araujo
- "Elicitation of Adaptive Requirements Using Creativity Triggers: A Controlled Experiment" Authors: Fabian Kneer, Klaus Schmid and Erik Kamsties
- "Requirements Engineering for Autonomous Vehicles: A Systematic Literature Review" Authors: Quelita S. Ribeiro, Moniky Ribeiro and Jaelson Castro
- "A Bayesian Network-based model to understand the role of soft requirements in technology acceptance: the Case of the NHSCOVID-19 Test and Trace App" Authors: Luis Hernan Garcia Paucar, Nelly Bencomo, Alistair Sutcliffe and Peter Sawyer
List of accepted POSTERS:
- "Impact of Korean Culture on the Selection of RE Elicitation Methods" Authors: Alexander Uder, Isabel John and Seok-Won Lee
- "A User-Centric Threat Model and Repository for Cyber Attacks" Authors: Prerit Datta, Sara Sartoli, Luis Felipe Gutierrez, Faranak Abri, Akbar Siami Namin and Keith S. Jones